Whatsapp exploit :How Someone can Reveal Your sleeping hour just by Whatsapp exploit

there could be ways to analyze our sleep patterns other than the sleep tracking apps and fitness bands. Credits to a WhatsApp fault, some hacker person can monitor your WhatsApp activity to figure out when you sleep, wakeup, and how much do you sleep. And it doesn’t require one to be a little much technolgy loverThe not precisely a vulnerability resides in the two of features that are harmless themselves: the last seen status, and the online status. This information can be logged and analyzed to keep an eye on your activity

If we talk about WhatsApp’s privacy settings, it’s possible to limit the visibility of your last seen status to Everyone, your friends, no one. But there is no way you can hide the online status.
Rob Heaton, a software engineer, has demonstrated this strange thing by creating a Google Chrome extension which logs the online activity of his contacts through the WhatsApp web app.
This is the viral pic you can see  in the above pic
However, he insists he is getting the 8.5 hours a night that your program calls for. You are going to have to find proof of his transgressions and confront him with it. You start scheming. You have heard that you can track people’s sleep patterns using their online status in Facebook Messenger. However, this requires you to be friends with your target, and the Stevester blocked you after the Tinder incident a few months ago. You consider hiring a private eye, but then you realize that you can perform the same status-tracking trick using SS’s WhatsApp account and the “last seen” feature. This is just as well, because you have already spent almost all of your savings on energy bars and headbands.
The plan is simple. Every 10 seconds, you check your target’s WhatsApp status, and note if they are online or not. For avid users, like Mr Steveington, their first and last times on the app each day will be very close to when they wake up and go to sleep. If SS goes offline between 1100PM and 0730AM each day, you can infer that he is following the plan and just seems dull and sluggish because he is a dull and sluggish person. However, if he instead only goes dark between 0300AM and 0800AM, you know that he is skimping on sleep to either party or play computer games in his underwear. As a side-benefit, you hope that you may be able to infer things like the number of times he wakes up during the night and the waxing and waning of his 

by this  method or surveillance to the next level, the data belonging to a person can be cross-referenced to that of another person, and it can be known if they two are talking to each other.

Let’s say, a person comes online to send a message, and another person shows up at the same moment. If this continues for a while, it can be inferred the two are in a conversation.
If the data monitoring is done at a larger scale, the consequences might give you chills down your spine. It can be used to satisfy the hunger of advertising agencies who drool over your information even while they’re asleep. In a hypothetical scenario, you can even create a company that runs a service to return people’s WhatsApp information against their phone number, Heaton says.
This isn’t the first time an exploit of this nature has been discovered for a social platform. Earlier, a similar hack was created for Facebook Messenger and Tinder.


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