Make Your Smartphone Run faster

Today we share amazing tips and tricks to make your device faster and smoother. When you purchase new phone it works excellently, it seems to work very well. Things are fast, fluid responsive. Use it for a few months, and things start getting worse. There are several things you could do to maintain the performance and make your phone faster overall. Here are the few things which your team reveal today Here we present some ideas to Make Your device Run faster.

1) Update your phone timely

Updating your phone timely gives you the best performance experience because very new update gives the user new thing on their phone and also fix some bugs and issues.I’ve seen people with pending system updates on their phones, merely because the update isn’t ‘necessary,’ because it doesn’t bring much to the table, or they’re just too lazy to reboot their phone. Latest software often contains bug fixes and general improvements, which can help your Android device to run better, so make sure that you are updated whenever possible.Timely update your phones If your phone is running slow, it's possible that you may not have installed the latest Android software update. Head over to Settings >About device >Software update to see if there are any updates available so always try to up to date your phone

2) install a "NEW LAUNCHER"

android is the platform which is very flexible than another operating system in android you can also change the launcher of the phone which gives your phone boost up and it works like excellently .launcher responsible for the main interface and launch apps. With this app installed and selected, the system will be a bit faster because it reduces animations and accelerates the process of open applications.

3) Overclock your Android

overclocking your device is one of the best features to make your device to work faster.If you’re not satisfied with your phone’s speed, you can also overclock it. Many manufacturers maintain a low clock speed in order to minimize heat and extend your phone’s battery life.  If you have a rooted device or are willing to root it, you can overclock it using an app like SetCPU. It’s not a straightforward process so be sure to follow proper guidelines and proceed with caution

4) Remove old and used file

clearing your phone will boost your ROM and RAM performance and it gives you also a space for saving more imp file you can also use the cloud service to backup your data.Do you really need every image you've ever taken on your mobile? Are they all backed up to Google+ or Dropbox? Or both? Some time spent sifting through the gallery app on your device can clear up a significant amount of storage space, particularly when high-definition video clips are taken into consideration. You don't have to obliterate all of your most precious memories, but you might want to consider moving them somewhere else.

5)  turn off Auto-sync feature

Once we start using our phones, we end up adding several accounts to it. Whether it be multiple Google accounts, Twitter, Viber, there just is a long list of accounts to sync. All these syncing activities significantly impact your phone’s performance, and not to mention, battery life. You could turn it all off by going into the Account settings, or if you want to, you can also choose what to sync and what not to. For some apps like Facebook and Twitter, you can also choose the time interval for syncing so be sure to configure that too.

6)  Clear the Cache Apps

Other tricks you can perform to speed up your phone to clear the cache of the apps. As each application is walking, he is leaving 'crumbs' in the system memory. These temporary files are clogging the memory and slowing down the whole system. To clear the cache of apps you can install an application like Cleaner, or do it from Android settings. To do this, follow the same process to uninstall applications, only in the last menu, you must press the virtual button to clear the cache. Before you erase data on your Android phone you should first back up Android data ( including SMS, Contacts ) to a computer in case of the important data was erased.

7) Reduce or turn off animation

the animation very looks very good and nice in a very operating system.but it slows down the performance of the device when its delay time too long .You make the Android phone faster by reducing the delay time of Animation scale.Or either you can turn off the animation scale, yes, of course, everyone loves these animations.Without these effects, the user interface does not look good

these are the some of the most useful tips for every phone user has to try  this tricks and tips and make his device faster
let us know in the comment  section and is it useful  or not


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